Bottle Clip Bouquet


Add a touch of elegance to any occasion with our Bottle Clip Bouquet! This versatile floral arrangement easily clips onto most standard bottles, turning your favorite wine or champagne into a stunning centerpiece. Perfect for enhancing your table decor, gifting, or simply elevating your everyday moments with a touch of beauty.

Each bouquet is thoughtfully designed with fresh blooms and greenery to complement any style or setting. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or adding flair to a bottle for a gift, this floral accent makes every moment more special.

Bottle not included.

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Classic  Bouquet
Classic Bouquet
from $60.00

Add a touch of elegance to any occasion with our Bottle Clip Bouquet! This versatile floral arrangement easily clips onto most standard bottles, turning your favorite wine or champagne into a stunning centerpiece. Perfect for enhancing your table decor, gifting, or simply elevating your everyday moments with a touch of beauty.

Each bouquet is thoughtfully designed with fresh blooms and greenery to complement any style or setting. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or adding flair to a bottle for a gift, this floral accent makes every moment more special.

Bottle not included.

Classic  Bouquet
Classic Bouquet
from $60.00